This is one of my favorite commercials and it uses blatant gender segmentation to appeal to its target audience, men. Though enjoyed by both sexes, beer is quite obviously a man's product in the media. Similarly, fashion can be enjoyed by both sexes, though it is undoubtedly a woman's realm. This Heineken commercial effectively exploits these common target market associations. The ad incorporates a common, stereotypical female passion along with an equally stereotypical female reaction and then mirrors that reaction to accommodate a male passion. This ad completely separates the two involved genders, clearly targeting and appealing to men as drinkers of Heineken. Basically, this ad is suggesting that a cold Heineken is just as appealing for a man as a new wardrobe is for a woman, and the result is as hilarious as it is persuasive.
The visual effect is equally persuasive. The swirling fog in the air, the perfect layout and attractive organization of every glass bottle, and the sheer multitude of bottles conveys the image of ice cold, delicious, plentiful beer. These are indeed ideal beer drinking conditions. I dare you to watch this commercial and not crave a Heineken.
Hilarious Smart Water ad! Nice job :) The Heineken ad is also pretty funny, and I like your comments about how it effectively takes advantage of stereotypes and common marketing assumptions.