Aside from the fact that I did not have the most adequate digital resources available to make a better editing project, I still thought this video turned out pretty decent and I enjoyed doing it. I find it amazing how simple newer editing applications such as iMovie have made it to produce projects like the ones we created in class. With some basic instructions and time, a middle-school student could easily create an impressive project. There are also so many interesting methods for editing a video or pictures available. The bank of sound effects alone would have taken a good hour to thoroughly navigate, and although this can be a hassle for a small project like mine, it is undoubtedly very useful for bigger projects. Through a combination of its simplicity and the fact that students tend to get engaged in their learning much easier through hands-on assignments like this one, I would gladly use software such as this in my classroom.
Wow! I love the title sequence (with sound) and the closing sound effect over the "brought to you by...". I was also really impressed with how you used subtler scene fades for transitions where the music stayed the same, and then more contrasting visual transitions when the songs were also changing.
Wow! I love the title sequence (with sound) and the closing sound effect over the "brought to you by...". I was also really impressed with how you used subtler scene fades for transitions where the music stayed the same, and then more contrasting visual transitions when the songs were also changing.